Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Pretty Piñata on the Cheap

I'm cheap frugal.  

I will do almost anything to avoid paying full price for anything.  

And after seeing Becky of Infarrantly Creative's tutorial for a paper bag pinata, there's no way I was spending $15+ on one (that didn't match the rainbow theme, no less)!

Here's how mine came together.

I must give credit to Dana of MADE, because she showed me the magic that happens to crepe paper streamers when you feed them through your sewing machine!  

Now that you have ruffled your streamers, let's build!

I used a paper sack that had a handle on top so I could hang the pinata (from the swingset!).  It wasn't part of the plan, but as it turns out, the stripes on the DSW sack were very helpful in keeping my layers straight.  Bonus!

Plug in your hot glue gun. 

Start at the bottom (not on the top, like I did in the pic below -- oops!).  

You could leave it as is, or if you have extra ruffles, glue them to the bottom for added color!

Easily hung from the rings on the swing set and ready for a good smashing!  It made for a pretty sturdy pinata, given all the thread and hot glue.  I recommend candy that can't be pulverized...a pretty shower of Smarties powder sprinkled out of the pinata as it was whacked!

Disclaimer:  Buying yourself an incredibly cute pair of flats at DSW will drastically increase the cost of this project.  :)

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