Tuesday, March 15, 2011

i'm a good speller, i swear!

if you can't laugh at your own mistakes...laugh at someone else's (i.e. get ready to laugh at my mistake!)
if at first you don't succeed, try try again...
measure twice, cut once...

but most importantly, spell check before you create an entire silk screen, print multiple shirts AND applique a cute little foot on one...

get it? 

yep, that means i looked at this a bazillion times and didn't notice the misspelling.  do you see it?  would you have noticed it had i not pointed it out?  

correctly spelled: metatarsal

i printed it from a makeshift silkscreen (embroidery hoop and some sheer curtains).  painted out the non-ink parts with some mod podge (took several coats to perfect).  ha! to perfect the misspelling, that is.  ;)  

then appliqued the foot.  argh!  all that work!  

maybe a future tutorial on silkscreening?  whatta ya think?